What sets us apart
AfA is part of the AfroCentric Group of companies.
We design bespoke solutions for your medical scheme members, employees or patients which will not only lower your costs but also provide the integration required for customer convenience, holistic data analysis and future-proofing your organisation.
Proven track record

Clinical excellence
From inception, AfA established an independent, hands-on Clinical Advisory Committee comprising experienced and internationally acknowledged specialists in the field of HIV. They bring a blend of both academic credibility and extensive practical private sector experience spanning many years of active practice.
The committee meet regularly with professional staff to discuss problem cases and complex clinical queries. They are easily contactable for email/telephonic discussions on urgent cases.
A medical advisor and a senior specialist in drug policy who interact with treating doctors on an on-going basis support the Clinical Advisory Committee. Further to this, AfA has teams of highly trained pharmacists who review each application, formulate alternative treatment regimens as appropriate, and make treatment suggestions and treatment changes when necessary ensuring the most affordable generic alternative is authorised.
Members of the Clinical Advisory Committee and professional staff have presented data and programme outcomes at numerous scientific meetings and have published extensively.
Clinical committee members include:

Professor Gary Maartens
– Joint appointment as chief specialist physician and professor (head of the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine), Groote Schuur hospital and University of Cape Town

Tebatso Gill Boshomane
MBChB MMed – Nuclear Physician, founding member of SACSS (South African Clinician Scientist Society), previous executive of JUDASA (Junior Doctors Association of South Africa) and SARA (South African Registrars Association), and committee member of SNM (Society of Nuclear Medicine)

Professor Marc Mendelson
– Principal Specialist and Head, Division of Infectious Diseases and HIV Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Cape Town

Professor Graeme Meintjes
– Associate Professor, Department of Medicine and Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town. Welcome Trust Training Fellow in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Senior Clinical Researcher, Institute of Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine, University of Cape Town

Professor Mark Cotton
– Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health (Division of Infectious Diseases) Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Children’s Hospital
Clinical Advisory Committee roles and responsibilities include:
- Ensuring that clinical protocols and guidelines are in line with established national and international norms and standards and represent best clinical practice. Members of the committee also sit on the Guidelines Committee of the Southern African HIV Clinician’s Society, and this ensures that guideline policy is uniform and does not deviate from accepted clinical practice. AfA publishes Clinical Guidelines for wide distribution every two years, but protocols and guidelines are updated on an ongoing basis as appropriate.
- Ensuring that the highest standards of clinical care are consistently adhered to. A regular quarterly meeting is held to formulate clinical policy.
- Ensuring that AfA staff receive on-going clinical training and have a clear understanding of issues related to comprehensive HIV medicine and care.
- Updating staff on new developments in the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
- Actively participating in the running of the programme to ensure all patients have access to the best possible treatment and monitoring at all times to ensure favourable outcomes. This includes participation in weekly problem-solving case conferences.
- Assisting staff in all communications and publication of results.
- Preparing material for inclusion in a quarterly newsletter to providers to ensure that network doctors and other service providers are regularly updated.