
Post-exposure and vertical transmission prophylaxis

Regensberg L. Post-exposure and vertical transmission prophylaxis. Modern Medicine, November/December 1999; 24: 36-40.

Antiretroviral therapy in adults

Regensberg L, Maartens G. Antiretroviral therapy in adults. Modern Medicine, October 1999; 24: 30-38.

Assessing newly diagnosed HIV patients

Regensberg L, Maartens G. Assessing newly diagnosed HIV patients. Modern Medicine, August 1999; 24: 58-64.

HIV and AIDS – an overview

Regensberg L. HIV and AIDS – an overview. Modern Medicine, June 1999; 24: 51-54.

Affordable management of HIV infection in the private sector

Regensberg L, Cowlin J, et al. Affordable management of HIV infection in the private sector. South African Medical Journal 1998; 88:945-948.